Thursday, August 1, 2013


 It's been so long since my last post, so I've decided to talk to you again! Yay!!!!!! sorry its been soooooo long, I'm busy with all my summer fun too! And my birthday was on friday July 26, 2013! Incredible right, yes I know and the best part is that I got an.....IPHONE 5!!!! It's amazing and  I love it. 

Anyways, enough about me, what's up with you chicks? And zero amount of people reading sad is that. Hahahah! It's ok though because it's mostly my fault for not being mindful and writing every day like I should, but whateves.

Alright into the important stuff, like rainbows and unicorns! Because it's soo totes important. Hehehe. Just kidding! just checking on ya'll. BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

                                HEY GUYS IT SPRING!
   So its been a long time since my last  post...... so sorry school has been keeping me on my feet for the last months, but im back now! Right now I'm doing English homework, but I needed (wanted) a break. I'm going to this talent show for my school, and the winner gets $100! Woah! Some of my friends are in the talent show and I hope they win! I will hope fully get a DIY up soon, so look out for that later today! BYE!

                         LOVE DIY BEAUTY <3

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy valentines day! I know it has been awhile and nobody probably reads my blog but i think it gives me something to do. You can tell I usually have something to do. Hehehehehe! So about my christmas gifts...lets see if I can remember, I got the Wonderstruck perfume by Taylor Swift, the Pink Ice perfume by rue 21, a makeup case, slippers, a robe, a memory foam mattress, candy canes, root beer, phone, jewelry, makeup, lots of money, wallet, bath and body works candles, and I can't remember the rest.....sorry.
Anywho, I will do a reveiw on a product if you guys have any suggestions. These are your choices, the Naked pallette by Urban Decay, Maybelline 24 hr. color tatoos, Maybelline baby lips, or Revlon lip butters. I was so lucky to be able to go shopping with my mom in Ventura, thats when I got the Naked pallette and a bunch of clothes for really cheap! Except the Naked pallette was full price of course $50.00 wow it will never go on sale! Now that im satisfied with my wardrobe, (FOR NOW!)i am saving up for a laptop. if you know any cheap but GOOD QUALITY laptops please tell me. Thank you for your love and support. :)

                   <3 XOXOXO DIY BEAUTY